Saturday, December 1, 2018

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blog Changes
1) Added pages control bar - added BAR cheirimou page 
2) pin base replaced with internal base - H pin base was replaced with the internal 
3) contact added "call us now button" - added tilt button on the form of communication 
4) database fixed - corrected the database 
5) articles base updated - it upgraded the database 
6) home page load speed optimize - Improving initial page load speed 

hope you like the new changes. Thanks !!!

Guidelines for contributors

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  • Authoritative sources THERE is something written in a blog or in a chat but BOOKS, SURVEYS, STUDIES, EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL and articles on websites, blog, newspapers, magazines meet PERSONAL  our benchmarks look  internet sources Evaluation criteria  , but if some quote, text, terms etc is not documented certificate and we can publish the labeling Caution !!! Unsupported  +Source 
  • Avoid to copy a article , you can get a smal part , you can change the words , shoot your own photos etc.
Image Processing Tools
Image  and  use whichever of the two you like

How rithmizoume size of our photos at maximum
GO Start > Programara >> Accessories  >>> Paint mspaint is paint the windows we use to put our image in pixels maximum width is length 640 and height Automatic

Then store image formats JPG  :  Press > Save As > OnomaEikonas650.jpg , you change the name of the new image in the onomaeikonas640 to stand out from our original image, good name is to be relevant to the topic eg elia -dakos640.jpg How create PDF files Free Tool

How we regulate the size of the Video
Our Ta video to upload to our channel on youtube and are adjusted to PUBLIC  to be able to see other users. In our video will not be needed because the modifications made to youtube automatically in our publication we will use the LINK of VIDEO
Use what suits you best, everything is simple and easy to use 

free writers
Use what best suits you, all is well, the easiest and simple editor is Google Docs and if you use it you can embed your documents directly to the blog and saves directly to Google Drive
More information and tools can be found in our own dedicated blog here
Web design toos Here

Contact using social media


Sunday, September 2, 2018

The "w i d g e t s e r v e r" Abandoned Domain Is Now Malicious

We've been dealing with a minor recent deluge of reports, from blog owners reporting mysterious redirection of their blogs.

The original typical report, which started like any report involving a respected Internet service going out of business, was annoying - yet benign.

Today, the status changed to malicious.

Right now, "w i d g e t s e r v e r . c o m" is redirecting to "l i b o s t u d i o s . com".

Please enter your email address to continue.

Many gadgets, long known for redirecting, are again redirecting - recently to "w i d g e t s e r v e r . c o m" - and now to "l i b o s t u d i o s . c o m". As some were diagnosed, a few owners advised that the misbehaving gadget had been installed long ago.

We've seen, so far, a few old (not!) friends. M a u k i e , N e o C o u n t e r, and "S u n a n d M o o n P h a s e" can be seen, in some topics.

A brief sample of forum topics involving "w i d g e t s e r v e r . c o m" mention gadgets previously installed by Blogger, using the "Add a Gadget" wizard. Recently, Blogger cleared out the third party gadgets from "Add a Gadget" - and the gadgets rejected by Blogger are now hosted by ""w i d g e t s e r v e r . c o m". And they are malicious.

We will not sell, rent, or share, your email address. Your privacy is important to us!

Yeah, right.

And what will you do, with my email address?

What more should be said?

For a week, we've been dealing with #Blogger blog owners reporting mysterious redirecting by their blogs. Many helpers have dismissed the issue, as another popular third party gadget publisher gone out of business.

Today, the redirection changed - to an email mining op.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

What is Voice Search SEO And Impact on SEO?

Voice Search SEO
Voice search SEO is another great thing about SEO.For the future, Voice Search will work a lot.Many people at the moment type keywords to search something into search engine.In short, Voice search is a speech recognition technology.It's easier to say something than typing.Another thing is that the keywords used in voice search are very different.So in the future, we need to do SEO according to voice search.

Also, there are many voice assistants for voice search now.These are all progressively improved by humans.And their accuracy increases every day.So people use these voice assistants to find what they want.Below are such voice assistants and the devices.

  • Google Assistant - Google Home, Pixel telephone, Android 6.0+ apparatus, iOS and Android apps
  • Apple Siri - Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod
  • Microsoft Cortana - Windows 10, Windows telephone, Xbox One, iOS and Android apps
  • Amazon Alexa - Echo

Difference Between Voice Search and Text Search

This is a very important matter.Text search is, of course, quite difficult.But voice search is easy and more word in a short time.An average person can speak between 110-150 words in a minute, but can type between 30 and 40 words.So voice search is quick and easy.

How to Optimize Voice Search SEO

Especially nowadays smart phone usage is very high.Therefore, many people use smart phones for visit websites.It also includes voice assistants on the same device.And another important point is that Voice search is more conversational.So people will voice search in the same way they do conversations.

So this is quite different for SEO.Here we should choose the keywords as Conversational keywords.

Conversational Keywords

These are quite long and many words include.That is, the keywords are often Longtail Keywords.So if you want to rank in the voice search result page, you need to consider the factors that affect voice search SEO.

Points to consider for Voice Search Result Page

Especially your website  should be optimized for voice search SEO.So these voice search factors will help for improve your voice search SEO.

Page speed

The search engine tries to give excellent results for users .So it's important to increase the speed of a website for a user and a higher rank on the search engine.However website speed is now an important ranking factor and the voice result page is fast loading.


This HTTPS and SSL is part of about your website security.This gives some push to get a higher ranking in search engine like google.


This is the most important thing for the user.For he is looking for something important.It is also a reason to get a higher rank in the search engine.Whatever you do, your visitors must be able to please and be happy.Then they stay with your site.

So however, Conversational keywords are very important things in this voice search seo.Do not forget to place such keywords in your content.So in the future, people will often use this voice search.You should also be up to date.

So you know about What is Voice Search SEO And Impact on SEO, Hope you like the post, don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a comment below if you are facing any problem at any step in the method discussed above.Thank you

Friday, August 31, 2018

Now, Ya See It - Now, Ya Don't

For those not yet familiar with the new "Responsive" class themes, I offer my demo 4 "Responsive" blogs - one blog per exciting theme.

You can see the links to the 4 demo blogs, at the top of the sidebar.

You have to make an effort, to find the sidebar, however. The effort is necessary, to help the "Responsive" class templates replace the "Layout" / "Designer" class templates - and their special "Mobile" template.

See the linklist "Responsive Templates Tests", in the pop out sidebar?

Whether you are viewing this blog as The Real Blogger Status, or as Now, Ya See It - Now, Ya Don't, or even as Custom Domain Redirection, And "A" Referral Servers, you probably are not looking at the sidebar.

If you do want to see the sidebar, just click on the "hamburger" icon, in the upper right corner of the screen.

Click on the "hamburger" icon, to open the sidebar.

The "hamburger" icon is in the upper right corner.

The sidebar, normally hidden, to let the post content be more readable on a tiny "phone" display.

The "pop out" sidebar is one majorly innovative design feature, that helps the "Responsive" class templates replace the "Layout" / "Designer" class templates, and their special "Mobile" template.

The pop out sidebar is only visible, when you want to access sidebar content - by clicking on the "hamburger" icon.

Now, you see it.

Now, you don't.

Click on the tiny "right arrow" icon, to hide the sidebar, when the sidebar is open.

So yeah, if finding the sidebar is now an effort for your readers, I sympathise. But the hidden sidebar has a practical origin - it's not purely cosmetic.

If you recently upgraded your #Blogger blog to use an exciting new "Responsive" theme, and you can't find the sidebar, with its wonderful complement of gadgets, that's because the sidebar is now hidden.

Just click on the "hamburger" icon, and all will be seen.

Demo post with formatted elements and comments.

Nordic is the template number 4667 in BTemplates, where a total of 51 499 782 templates has been downloaded so far since 2008. This template was created by NBThemes and is the 112th template published in by this author.
Download Nordic and more Blogger Templates at BTemplates.
» A normal paragraph
Ea eam labores imperdiet, apeirian democritum ei nam, doming neglegentur ad vis. Ne malorum ceteros feugait quo, ius ea liber offendit placerat, est habemus aliquyam legendos id. Eam no corpora maluisset definitiones, eam mucius malorum id. Quo ea idque commodo utroque, per ex eros etiam accumsan.
» A paragraph with format
Et posse meliore definitiones (strong) his, vim tritani vulputate (italic) pertinacia at. Augue quaerendum (Acronym) te sea, ex sed sint invenire erroribus. Cu vel ceteros scripserit, te usu modus fabellas mediocritatem. In legere regione instructior eos. Ea repudiandae suscipiantur vim, vel partem labores ponderum in blogger templates.(link)
» A paragraph as code
Mel putent quaeque an, ut postea melius denique sit. Officiis sensibus at mea, sea at labitur deserunt. Eam dicam congue soluta ut.
» A paragraph as blockquote.
Eu mei solum oporteat eleifend, libris nominavi maiestatis duo at, quod dissentiet vel te. Legere prompta impedit id eum. Te soleat vocibus luptatum sed, augue dicta populo est ad, et consul diceret officiis duo. Et duo primis nostrum.
» Unordered list
  • Blogger templates
  • Templates
  • Blogs
  • Layouts
  • Skins
  • BTemplates
» Ordered list
  1. Login in
  2. Go to BTemplates and find your perfect Blogger template
  3. Download the template and upload it to your blog.
  4. Check out the template settings and your own gadgets.
  5. That's it! Your blog just got a new design.
» Heading

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6
» A table

Table Header 1Table Header 2Table Header 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3

Images in this template.

2 Images in this template. You can download all the images going to this Picasa album or clicking on them in the next list:

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