The spiders come to index your blog, when the search engines recognise your blog's existence in the Blogosphere.
For those blog owners who don't want their blogs indexed, Blogger provides the settings, in Settings - Basic - Privacy, "Add your blog to our listings?" (for internal Blogger spiders, and Blogger links) and "Let search engines find your blog?" (for external spiders).
The privacy settings control the content of the "robots.txt" file in the blog.
The spiders, when well behaved, read "robots.txt" for instructions.
The spiders, when interested, read "robots.txt" for instructions. You can modify "robots.txt", using the dashboard "Search preferences" wizard.
You make the privacy settings changes, and let Blogger maintain "robots.txt" on your behalf. Alternately, you can use "Settings" - "Search preferences", if you are daring.
These settings are at the blog level - one setting affects the entire blog. If you would like only a part of the blog protected, make a second blog (blogs are free), and include one blog in the other. If you would like specific URLs protected, use the URL removal tool in Google Webmaster Tools.
Read "Search Console" reports carefully, and learn the meanings.
If you use Google Webmaster Tools / Search Console, maybe to add a sitemap or otherwise analyse or maintain your blogs search engine relationship, you may see some interesting details
URL restricted by robots.txt ( you'll generally have one of these notations for each label in the blog.
Those restrictions are normal. All label searches are restricted, so the search engines won't detect the label searches as containing duplicate content. Your blog shouldn't depend upon label searches for your readers to find each post.
Some search engines will index private blogs.
Interestingly, I note that the search engines can have access to blogs that require permission to read. Private blogs can't have blog feeds, but the search engines can still index them. The "robots.txt" file is advisory only; search engines may honour the files directives, or they may ignore the directives.
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