So once you realise that you made a mistake, do you just go into Settings - Basic, and select "Delete This Blog"? Have you ever done that, and as you finger pushed down on the mouse button, looked at the settings and said to yourself
NO! Not that blog - the other one!Too late. You just deleted your good blog.
Been there, done that.
And deleted blogs don't have a Recycle Bin (Trashcan for you Maccies).
Bet the second time, you'll do this with more care.
- Go to Settings - Basic, and change the blog description.
This blog is being deleted.
- Look at the extra blog, and make sure that the description, in the header, says
This blog is being deleted.
- Go back to Settings - Basic, and look at the description again.
This blog is being deleted.
- Go to the bottom of that page, and hit "Delete This Blog".
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