Blogger Support will try to help you - really. As long as you report the problem objectively, and wait patiently. And they can help you best, when it's a problem that they can solve.
Some problems they can't help you solve, or at least can't help you as easily as you can help yourself. Problems with FTP Settings are problems that you can solve, on your own, a lot quicker than Blogger can solve for you.
If you have a problem with FTP Publishing, report the problem. And while you're waiting for their attention, spend some time diagnosing the problem on your own.
I fished around and discovered that my host,, using the special additional login username and password that I added for Blogger, was automatically routing posts to my blog directory. So what happened is that instead of files being uploaded went
This is an example of good diagnostic work. Maybe Blogger would have eventually figured out the problem, by looking at the settings for the blog. Maybe not. Maybe Blogger changed the way they process the settings. If so, this report will hopefully help them identify their problem. It certainly won't hurt.
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