Will my blog be less secure, not on BlogSpot?or
How will i edit my website? Can I still use blogger to edit my site or will i have to use DreamWeaver, Frontpage, or some other expensive tool?or
Can I use labels, (have a private blog, a Layouts template, ...)?
A Google Custom Domain affects just one thing - how the blog is addressed - and this only in a positive manner, when you manage the new URL properly.
- You setup a custom domain using the "Blogger dashboard Publishing" wizard. After you have a working custom domain, you maintain the blog using the same Blogger interface that you've been using all along - the Post Editor, and other Blogger wizards.
- You gain a new address for the blog - one of your liking (as available), and not confined to "xxxxxxx.blogspot.com" - yet your old "xxxxxxx.blogspot.com" URL continues to work.
- You can use a non-BlogSpot URL, yet the blog is published to a Google server, using dynamic HTML, and all of the shiny features of the Blogger Layouts template.
What a deal. A blog setup using the Blogger interface, and addressable as "xxxxxxx.blogspot.com" (to reach your current readers), yet also addressable as "mydomain.com" (to reach a wider section of the web). And all it has to cost is 10 USD / year, for domain registration and DNS hosting. It's the best of both worlds, really.
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