Saturday, July 5, 2008

When we want to connect our blogs to our friends blogs, and vice versa, the first thing we think about is a linklist. Taking a basic list, and attaching a link to each list member, gives a nice structured list of links, called in some cases a BlogRoll, and called by Blogger a LinkList. That's simple, and that's boring.

So Blogger went one better, replacing the links with blog feeds, and voila - the BlogList. For each LinkList entry, you provide a caption, and a link (URL). For each BlogList entry, you provide only a URL. Blogger does the rest, and you have a list of feeds.

You can display the feeds in several different formats. For each feeds, you can choose to display
  • The FavIcon of the blog.
  • Title of most recent item.
  • Snippet of most recent item.
  • Thumbnail of most recent item.
  • Date of last update.
THis gives you a nice set of choices what you want your BlogList to look like.

Want to see one in action? Look at the bottom of my sidebar, for my current BlogList (subject to change).
  • Roberto's Report.
  • Blogger Developers Network.
  • Blogger Error Codes.
Use your imagination, and enjoy the results with your readers.

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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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