Access is denied.
Requested action not taken: file unavailable.
The system cannot find the path specified.
Most frequently, the change required will be the relative root designation. The change will probably involve the main publishing path ("Settings" - "Publishing" - FTP Path) and / or the archives path ("Settings" - "Archiving" - Archive Path).
- If the current value is ".", change it to "/".
- If the current value is "/", change it to ".".
- If the current value is, for instance, "blog", change it to "/blog".
- If the current value is, for instance, "/blog", change it to "blog".
Publishing by FTP, to remote (third party) servers can be a challenge, and one of the unpreventable challenges will be the unpredictability of the third party maintenance policies. Try and be aware of changes being made, and encourage the support staff for the servers to provide you some documentation describing changes, when possible. Barring that, get used to trying these changes, on your own, when things stop working.
And, try to resist the temptation to blame Blogger for every problem. Some problem will require you, or you and the server support staff, to sort.
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