None of my mail-to-blogger posts are making it to my blogs. And it is not till I actually go onto my blog and discover that all the emails I have done over the past 48 hours have not made it.
As of 11:00 8/22, there are no confirmed affinities to the problem. Some, but not all, complaints appear to relate to email from phone and PDAs - possibly because more people use MTB from phones and PDAs. And, the outage is not 100% - I personally have posted to my test blog, twice with no problem.
In my case, I initially tested yesterday, and got an immediate email bounce.
MTB Test 20080821-1
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.
I went to Settings - Email, then verified and Re Saved my settings. I sent MTB Test 20080821-2, which posted fine. And ditto for this morning with MTB Test 20080822-1.
Unfortunately, re Saving may not be a 100% effective solution.
>> (Update 8/22 11:45): We have an acknowledgment from Blogger Employee Gatsby
Thanks for the heads up on the Mail2Blogger issues; we'll investigate this and report back with an update soon.
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