Am I in trouble? Do I need to switch back to BlogSpot - and if I do, can I keep my dot com name -
In this case, we look at other clues in the question, and check out the domain. 3600 IN A 3600 IN A 3600 IN A 3600 IN A 3600 IN CNAME
That's a blog published to a custom domain, and that blogger has no need to worry. Custom domain publishing has offered an alternative to FTP publishing for a while - now, Blogger is exercising that alternative.
So, should you worry?
Look at the URL behind the "View Blog" link on the dashboard, and at the Settings - Publishing display.
My blog "Nitecruzr New Template Laboratory" is published to "".
You're publishing on
My blog "The Real Blogger Status" is published to "".
You're publishing on a custom domain
My blog "Chuck's FTP Test" is published to "".
You're publishing via FTP
Only the latter blog - "Chuck's FTP Test" - needs to be migrated. The others are fine. Only worry about your blog, if you see
You're publishing via FTP.
Does your blog
- Use a BlogSpot URL, exclusively?
- Have a layouts template?
- Have a shiny gadget, like a BlogList, Following, maybe a Google Translator?
Blogger FTP Info: Who's affected? provides a simpler answer to the above question.
- If your blog URL ends in "", you are not affected
- If you don't see "You're publishing via FTP" (or "You're publishing via S/FTP") when you go to "Settings | Publishing", you are not affected
If your blog is published by FTP to an external server, you have Until May 1 to plan and execute the migration - back to BlogSpot, then maybe to a custom domain.
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