Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blogger Blogs, And "Make Money Fast And Easy"

Blogger One Button Publishing is a platform for publishing personal web sites, using an intuitive GUI process.

You publish content that's personal to you, and your readers (possibly using alternative techniques like Following and subscribing) read your personal web site because of the content that's personal to you.

If you have advertising on your web site, and you are paid to host the advertising, the ads are financed by the companies that sell the merchandise featured in the ads. And your readers are the targets of the ads, so they hopefully will buy the merchandise.

The money flows from your readers, to the sellers of the merchandise, to the advertisers who publish the ads, to you who host the ads on your blog. Your readers learn about the merchandise through your efforts, and you are paid because of that.

That's organic advertising and merchandising. You make money from publishing content, that draws readers, who read your content, and click on the ads. The advertisers pay you for the readers, and for the ad clicks.

Some people are not happy with organic advertising, because they want more money.

Ingenious blog owners publish more blogs, to get more traffic.

They get more money from publishing more sites, from more traffic to their sites, and from more activity on their sites.

  • To publish more sites, they can't spend time writing content, so they pay people to write for them (Syndicated Content, aka Pay To Write, aka "PTW"). Or, they copy content with permission ("syndicate") or without permisssion ("scrape" or "steal") from other websites.
  • To get more traffic to their sites, they pay people to surf their sites (Pay To Surf, aka "PTS").
  • To get more activity on their sites, they pay people to click on the ads in their sites (Pay To Click, aka "PTC").

More sites x more traffic x more activity = lots more money.

More blogs == more traffic == more money - for them, and for the paid surfers.

That's great. More money, some of which they pass to the people who write, who surf, and who click. More money into the economy, more people who can buy stuff, and everybody makes out better.

Why is this a problem?

It is a problem because the advertisers are paid by the companies who sell the merchandise.

  • They are paid to attract eyes to the ads, and to attract people who buy the merchandise featured in the ads.
  • They are not paid for people who click on the ads, simply because they are paid for clicking on the ads.
  • They are not paid for people who surf your sites, simply because they are paid to surf your sites.
  • They are paid for people who are interested in the content on your sites, who click on the ads because the merchandise featured in the ads interests them, and who buy the merchandise.

The people who get paid for surfing are not legitimate customers for the ads.

The people who are paid for surfing and clicking are not the proper targets for the advertisers or for the merchandisers.
  • They are not looking at the ads, because they are busy surfing the next web site.
  • They are not thinking about purchasing any merchandise, because they are busy clicking on another ad.

More clicking and more surfing = more money for them - and they, too, want more money.

PTC and PTS (together known as "GPT", aka "Get Paid To (click and surf)") are fraudulent schemes to extract money from the advertisers, while delivering very little to encourage the merchandisers to pay the advertisers.

AdSense, owned by Google, is one of the advertisers who is unwillingly paying for GPT / PTC / PTS activity. Blogger, owned by Google, will classify blogs as spam hosts, when they provide GPT / PTC / PTS / PTV advice, or derive activity / content / traffic from such techniques.

Affiliate marketing networks gather, and repeat traffic, similarly.

GPT / PTC / PTS uses paid participants to artificially increase traffic to participant blogs. A similar arrangement, but one which involves affiliate marketing networks or link farms, uses unpaid casual visitors.

Any of these techniques, however clever they may be, are fraud.

If any of these are the case,

That is why your blog is now classified as spam, or will be eventually classified as spam - and that is why you are here.


Author & Editor

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