Thursday, April 1, 2010

During the past couple of weeks, we have noted a significant increase in the volume of
Unlock my blog, it is not spam!
problem reports, with a large proportion being judged false positives after review. Unfortunately, the false positives can only be identified after the blog owners report
I submitted the review request, and the appeal, and I waited the required 2 business days. Now what?
and we have seen a few of those this week. We have also seen a few more odd reports
The 2 business days ended several days ago! I am tired of waiting for you to do something about this! Why haven't you done something about this?
and here, we have to point out that you (or the blog owner) are the key player in the next step - that is, requesting the escalation to Blogger.

If we reply to you
Since Blogger gets 2 business days to process restores requested and appealed, we'll give them until Friday to act directly from your requests. If they have not acted by then (which seems to be the case in maybe 50% of the time), please reply here, and we'll take the next step.
that means that you have to take action, to continue this process, when necessary.

We have no way to watch your blog, and see that it was or was not restored during the 2 business days. You are the one who watches the clock for 2 business days, and reports that the time is up. If we don't hear back from you, we can only consider 3 possibilities.
  1. The Asker was a spammer, and has now gone elsewhere.
  2. The Asker's blog was restored, and he is now busy working on his blog.
  3. The Asker's blog was not restored, and he awaits further action.
We can only action the first 2 possibilities. The third is on your dime.

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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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