I tried logging in to GMail, and it says that my account has been disabled. So I tried verifying by sending codes to my mobile phone - I managed to log in, and it now redirects into my dashboard. Unfortunately, it now tells meApparently, there is a delay, between reinstatement of the Blogger / GMail account, and recovery of any owned blog(s), deleted when the account is disabled.The blog has been removed.So, I have my Blogger / GMail account back - but no blog!
Shortly after seeing one's disabled GMail / Google account re enabled, the blog owner will login to Blogger, and see the next disappointment - all owned blogs will probably show as removed (when they are listed, at all). Members of team blogs, even the people whose GMail / Google accounts are not disabled - may see the blog(s) in question disappear from their dashboards, also.
There is good news here. Blogger Support is now aware of this problem, and is hoping to resolve it shortly.
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