Wednesday, March 19, 2014

We're seeing some confusion in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, mentioning mysterious comments, published against new blog posts.
Each time I publish a new post, there is one comment immediately published against the post, which is just a repeat of the post!
This blog owner is using both automatic post shares, and Google+ comments.

Recently, Blogger took us closer towards automatically connecting our new blog posts and our Google+ streams.

All blogs, currently connected to a Google+ profile, were recently tweaked, to automatically share each new post to Google+ - unless the option is de selected.

This has caused confusion from some blog owners, who are currently using Google+ Comments, on their blogs. Look at the dashboard Google+ settings.

  • Auto-share new published posts to your Google+ profile
  • Use Google+ Comments on this blog

Auto-share new published posts to Google+, and Use Google+ Comments.

It's simple, and obvious.

  1. With the first option selected, a new blog post generates a new Google+ post.
  2. With the second option selected, the new Google+ post, which mentions the new blog post, is then published as a comment to the new blog post.
  3. Some blog owners will see duplicate posts, in their Google+ stream. One post from Step #1, another from Step #2.
This is monolithically logical, yet a bit annoying.

(Update 3/20): Blogger Support has informed us that it is working as intended.

There are only 3 options, here - none terribly satisfying.

  1. Disable Google+ comments. De select "Use Google+ Comments on this blog", in the Settings - "Posts, comments and sharing" dashboard page.
  2. Disable Google+ post auto share. De select "Auto-share new published posts to your Google+ profile", in the Settings - "Posts, comments and sharing" dashboard page.
  3. Learn to live with it.

Most owners choose #3. Should you go for #1 or #2, use the appropriate option, in the dashboard Google+ page.

If your #Blogger blog uses Google+ hosted comments, and you automatically share posts to Google+, you'll see a post snippet, published as a Google+ comment, immediately after you publish a new post. It's completely logical - yet irritating.


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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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