We see occasional naivete, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken
I got emailThis blog owners, and too many others, do not understand about the severity of repeated DMCA / TOS violation, upon their Blogger / Google accounts.After reviewing your account, we noticed that you have violated the terms of service frequently: http://www.blogger.com/go/terms. And where we have sent you several warnings about these abuses and offered you information about our policy towards repeat infringers, we were forced to disable Blogger service provided to you. Thank you for your understanding.Why can I not login to Blogger, now?
- Blogger Team
Too many blog owners simply accept the occasional deletion of their posts, and continue publishing.
I deleted the problem posts, whenever warned. Why did I get the notice about "you have violated the terms of service frequently"?They do not understand that simply deleting a post, when cited for DMCA violation, is the same as entering a "Guilty" - or maybe "Nolo Contendere" plea, in a court of law.
Problem posts, when repeated, make the blog owner look like an intentional, non repentant spammer, mapping out the boundaries of what is accepted.
If your blog is cited for DMCA violations, it's to your benefit to appeal the citation - and hope that you're found innocent.
Of course, if you're guilty of DMCA violations, you'll have no valid recourse, other than starting over - maybe with another Blogger account / blog, maybe with a blog or website hosted elsewhere. That's your choice.
If you remain in Blogger service, you will be expected to clean up your act.
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