Sunday, October 26, 2014

Last week the world wide web fell under the attack of a furious Panda. This time the beast became way more powerful and knocked off the strongest opponents off the arena. Even though those leviathans of Internet for some time lost their ranks, I think they have enough resources and brain activity to get those ranks back. We’ll see how soon eBay will get back those 80% of lost organic traffic.

So if you’re one of those guys who woke up in the morning, came to the office and found that your traffic curve went down…I don’t think you should cry like a baby, pulling your hair out. Get a cup of coffee, and start examining your website via Google Analytics software.
So let’s get back to Panda, as it was stated this algorithm is designed to fight web spam, especially those low-quality sites (as well as auto-publishing ones) that use black-hat techniques to manipulate the search query results. Panda was first launched in 2011 for all countries of the world causing huge changes in search results and positions of websites.
google-panda-shuffle-1374151491If you go back to the basics of Panda algorithm, the first thing it considered was the so-called behavioral factor. Panda devs did not specify how exactly this part of an algorithm works, but in the end the result was quite unpredictable (all we can assume is that they made this algorithm couple times more complicated.) Speaking about behavioral factor – the prominent role is given to uniqueness of content, links and relevant advertising.
Current Panda 4.0 update is mostly associated with backspinning and considers new behavioral factors. No one knows what Panda devs were guided with, but making those algorithms more complexed will not necessarily improve the quality of search results.
So, what’s the purpose of this blog post? We’d like to share with you number of google analytics tutorials that will help you work better with your website, thus make it more effective, as well as get from under Panda filter. List of tuts includes both starter and advanced level manuals.
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Probably for some of us analytics was of the least concern, but times change and we have to get deeper into things we’ve never used before. This tutorial will give you a deep insight into all features of this software. Feel free to watch it.

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