Why is my blog offline - occasionally?And
Why do some (just some!) of my readers tell me they can't see my blog?Investigating the problem, we see that the domain is, indeed online - some of the time.
Investigating the DNS addressing, robustly, we find an all too frequently seen set of name servers:
mydomain.com. 14400 IN A we see here is a domain, setup by someone who thought that one server would be 'good enough' to get by.
www.mydomain.com. 14400 IN CNAME ghs.google.com.
One server will, sometimes, get by - for a while, and for some people.
What some blog owners fail to realise, though, is that DNS service is never the same, all over the world (or the Internet). People in some places will use one DNS name server - and people in other places will use another.
And similarly, DNS service is never the same, from day to day. Today, you might need the services of one DNS name server, and tomorrow you might need another.
This month, we're seeing a number of reports that suggest that the Google name server at "" is not responding for everybody. Now - don't everybody, who has a custom domain published Blogger blog start spitting coffee, and calling their registrar for emergency support.
People who have a properly setup domain should not worry, needlessly.
mydomain.com. 14400 IN A
mydomain.com. 14400 IN A
mydomain.com. 14400 IN A
mydomain.com. 14400 IN A
www.mydomain.com. 14400 IN CNAME ghs.google.com.
People with domains that provide a robust set of addresses are in better shape. The odds that all 4 name servers will fail, simultaneously, is near zero. It's much better than those with one name server, that is 'good enough for me' - and that, right now, provides the basis for this post.
Really, folks.
mydomain.com. 14400 IN A
www.mydomain.com. 14400 IN CNAME ghs.google.com.
One "A" name server was good enough for you, last month. It's not, now. How many of your readers, since last month, saw
404 Not Found
How about your search reputation. What happens, when your blog is being indexed, and the search engine gets
404 Not Found
Neither your readers, nor the search engines, appreciate
404 Not Found
And both will react, negatively - and you won't like the results.
'Good enough' isn't - for everybody, all of the time. And this affects the reputation of your blog, both with people, and search engines.
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