Some folks prefer to publish a blog, without their name appearing. Anonymity is a goal, for many blog owners.
Blogs using both Dynamic and non Dynamic (Layout, Designer) templates can be made anonymous - but different tasks are involved. Fortunately, both tasks are simple.
We've been advising how to achieve anonymity, with blogs published to non Dynamic templates, for many years.
Both the Author Name, and Author Profile below the posts, are removed, using the proper selections in "Configure Blog Posts". In the "Post Page Options", the second option (has a modifiable caption, which by default is "Posted by") can be de selected, to remove the name. The twelfth option, "Show Author Profile Below Post", can likewise be de selected.
With a blog published to a Dynamic template, the solution for this need is not obvious - but it's not complicated, either. Use the "Add CSS" wizard, in the Template Designer "Advanced" menu, and add one CSS rule.
I advise people to include blank lines before and after the rules being added. If there are other rules, previously added using "Add CSS", with blank lines, you won't necessarily need a second blank line - but you do need one blank line, between each different rule.
.publish-info {display:none !important;}
There are other tasks needed, to publish a blog anonymously - but removing the name from the blog is one of the most visible changes that you can make.
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