Thursday, January 8, 2015

We have numerous blog owners report that they cannot access their Blogger dashboards.
Every time I login to Blogger, I get
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:
Describe what you were doing when you got this error.
Provide the following error code.
What should I do?
The only answer here is to reply
Don't use Internet Explorer V11.

In Blogger Help: Compatible browser and operating systems, we notice, quite conspicuously, the absence of Internet Explorer 11, from the table.
Blogger works with the following browsers and operating systems:
The most current version of Internet Explorer listed is V10, with the annotation
* For best results, turn off Compatibility View.
If you have a computer with Internet Explorer V11, you're going to need a third party browser - Chrome or Firefox. Otherwise - sorry - you won't be able to use Blogger.

Apparently, IE V11 contains too many internal changes, for Blogger Engineering to update the dashboard utilities, so IE V11 will be reliably usable - Compatibility View enabled, or disabled. Blogger has simply decided to not support IE V11, until they can properly update.

Like the predecessors, "bX-rjv21c" and "bX-sf96g4", this bX code can be cleared only by action of the blog owner - who must use a different browser, to access the Blogger dashboard.


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