Monday, September 4, 2017

A combination of imagination and tasks is required to create a Blogger blog template. A template designer puts extreme efforts in designing a template. A template designer also devotes hours and hours to frame the design as well as put this imagined picture into codings. For the identity, almost all designers leave their credit link as the copyright of their hard work. But most of the newbies start blogging by copy-pasting others posts without giving any credit to the copyrighted author. Also, they want to remove the template designer's credit link from footer too. They don't understand the hard work and time designers devoted in designing the template. So today I am sharing a tutorial by which you can easily protect your hard work from stealers. I will guide you how you can add a non-removable credit link to your designations. If someone wants to remove it then his/her blog will redirect to your desired link and the only option to get rid of it is giving proper credits. so let's start the tutorial on how you can add non-removable credit links.
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