Thursday, December 21, 2017

propeller ads new payout method for Publishers – Skrill

propellerads is one of the best ad servers.It can speed up your earn money.You can easily access these services for your website or blog &  earn Money Faster.Now the propellerads site is a newer version.So now you can easily use propellerads.Propellerads new Payment methods include PayPal,Skrill,ePayments,Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard,Payoneer Bank Transfer and Webmoney.Of these, skrill is their latest payment method.So this is very useful for a country like Sri Lanka and the other countries too.You can easily get money from ez chase to  your Dialog Phone.But these propelleads have a minimum payout of $100 and after that you can payout if you reach $25.However, you can get money through skrill.

Now let's see how this skill account is connect in your propellerads.To choose it as your payout method:

1.First log in to your Publisher’s account (or register if you don’t have one)
2.Go to the “Profile settings” page
3.Click on “Add a payment method”
4.Choose “Skrill EUR” from the dropdown menu
5.Add the email address linked to your Skrill account and hit the “Create” button
6.The verification link will be sent to your e-mail address
7.Click on link from email to confirm the changes and you'll be redirected to your account
8.If you want to receive your next payout to Skrill, don't forget to set it as your default payment method
propeller ads new payout method for Publishers – Skrill
propeller ads new payout method for Publishers – Skrill
If you don’t have a Skrill account, you can always get one on Skrill official website.
what is the Skrill?
Skrill Ltd, one of Europe’s largest online payments systems and among the world’s largest independent digital wallet providers with over nineteen million account holders. The digital wallet enables any customer to make online payments conveniently and securely without revealing personal financial data, as well as send and receive money online cost-effectively simply by using an email address.This is a safe way to manage your money.It's easy for you to get money through this.
So you can make a lot of money with propelle ads.Also, if you have more traffic on your site, you can make a large amount of money.The 2018 propellerads will come to a very high level.Start now, too.Then comment your question below your problem or our site.Also, your ideas are very useful for our success.share this article with your friends.


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